U.S. Highway 160 E

1313 East Highway 160

Major Redevelopment Project: BLM Monte Vista

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) building located at 1313 E. Highway 160, Monte Vista, Colorado is a new 10,006 square foot facility, incorporating over 2,100 square feet of warehouse and a 28,000 square foot secure wareyard.

The original 1970’s Ford Motor Company building was completely redeveloped in 2015 as a redevelopment project for BLM, using the existing structure as part of a comprehensive rebuilding of the entire property that rendered almost every element of this asset brand new.

The site was selected by GSA after many years of searching for a new location for the Alamosa / Monte Vista Field Office, allowing BLM to upgrade to a facility that meets current federal security standards and provides single-tenant occupancy. The new building provides services to users of BLM-managed public land, including everything from selling public land maps to acquiring permits for other activities such as wood permits, minerals, rangeland management, special use permits for recreation, and more.

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Monte Vista is located in South Central Colorado near the center of the San Luis Valley, which is the first in a series of basins along the Rio Grande. (Great River of the North). Monte Vista is the largest city in Rio Grande County and is at the crossroads of U.S. Highways 160 and 285. The San Luis Valley Field Office manages just over 500,000 acres of public land in Colorado’s Rio Grande Basin. The landscape includes 8 areas of critical environmental concern, 4 special recreation management areas, over 400 miles of designated routes, and countless opportunities to enjoy public lands.